
Collateral Mortgages, and Why you need to be Careful!

Most mortgage borrowers don’t know what a collateral mortgage is.  When a lender registers your mortgage they can either register it as a “Collateral charge” or a “Conventional Mortgage Charge”. There are several lender’s who have done Collateral only mortgages for the last 8+ years so you may very well be in a collateral mortgage without knowing it.  So what does this mean to you?

  • col·lat·er·al
    1.something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default.
    synonyms: security, surety, guarantee, guaranty, insurance, indemnity, indemnification; backing
    “she put up her house as collateral for the loan”

The definition of collateral is self explanatory, however the way it works in mortgage lending is a more of a “Readvanceable Loan”.  Let me explain the difference between Collateral and Conventional.


Insured vs. Insurable vs. Un-Insurable.. What does it all Mean?

We used to have two primary mortgage categories, “High Ratio” or “Conventional” mortgages, but now we have insured, insurable and un-insurable.  What do these terms mean?

Insured; a mortgage transaction in which the insurance premium is/has been paid by the client. (Generally, 19.99% equity or less to apply towards a mortgage, amortization of 25yrs or less, mortgage under $1Million, qualify at Bank of Canada(BoC) benchmark rate). (more…)